Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bad Ghost

he tried he tricked he troubled he trembled
he made the face that most resembled
a warped and shrivelled ghastly vision
a vastly scary apparition
he wailed he warbled he watched he waited
his enthusiasm unabated
he banged he crashed he chucked he blew
he just didnt seem to be getting through
he shrieked he screamed he shouted he shuffled
his groans and moans left them unruffled
despite his efforts to fright and scare
he just didnt seem to get anywhere
he gathered together all his resources
he hit them fully with ghostly forces
but finally his energy paled
now he'd always be known as the ghost that failed
he floated away despondent and sad
he'd tried his best to be scary and bad
he thought they'd been strong immune to his feats
but they'd simply been busy watching tv

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